Thursday, January 30, 2025

Fake Rightturd Dotard d0n0ld Propaganda:

This is nothing more than far right wing extemist d0tard d0n0ld Nazi Propaganda.  Kamala Harris will run for another office, win Bigly and be in office for another 8 years, either as California's first female Governor, California's first person of Color Governor, California's Best Governor ever or First Female President ever of the United States and Best President Ever.

Written by The BIGLIEST Patriot Ever Dervish Z Sanders MBBB 0002 

Fake Rightturd Dotard d0n0ld Propaganda:

This is nothing more than far right wing extemist d0tard d0n0ld Nazi Propaganda.  Kamala Harris will run for another office, win Bigly and b...